Department of state and municipal government (public administration)

“Everyone can command, many can direct, but only a few can manage!”

Department’s mission:

Mission of the public and municipal administration department follows from the missions of Russian Economic University named by the name of Plekhanov and of the general management faculty.

Mission of the department consists of preparation of highly skilled managers and analysts for working in federal and regional public authorities, structures of local government.

Purposes and tasks of the department:

  1. Providing high quality of the educational process, enriched by new knowledge and equipped with the latest educational and methodical materials with effective computer technologies usage.
  2. Development of research activity in the sphere of global management, state policy, public and municipal administration.
  3. Expansion of constructive relations between the department and leading higher education institutions in Russia and foreign countries, bodies of state and municipal authorities.
  4. Development of competences and professionalism of department’s personnel.

These purposes will be implemented in the next years following prior directions:

  • State policy;
  • Global management;
  • Public crisis management;
  • State anti-corruption policy;
  • Public strategic administration.